President Putin in an interview with Dmitri Kiselev on March 13

President Putin’s very comprehensive interview is a must-read. A new author analyzes the key points. – We briefly introduce Andreas Mylaeus.

Andreas Mylaeus

President Putin in an interview with Dimitri Kiselev

Introducing our new author

It gives me great pleasure to introduce a new author to our readers.

Cosmopolitans find it easier to understand geopolitics and studies in various fields further sharpen the eye – both are true of Anrdeas Mylaeus.

Born in Germany in 1950, he spent a year in North Carolina as a high school student in 1968/1969. After graduating from high school, he studied law in Freiburg, Cologne and Munich and completed his second state law examination in Munich in 1980.

From 1979, he studied psychology and psychopathology at the University of Zurich, graduating in 1984.

He obtained his doctorate (Dr. iur.) in Munich in 1983 and then ran his own psychological counseling practice in Zurich between 1984 and 1995.

After moving to Munich in 1995, he worked as a partner in a law firm in Munich, from 2006 as a specialist lawyer for construction and architectural law.

Since 2015, he has been a freelance analyst for international relations and a speaker on contemporary issues. Hobbies (apart from his grandchildren, who take priority): Model railroad and offshore sailing.

Dr. Anreas Mylaeus indulges in his hobby

Yes, and another thing, I know exactly one German who speaks Zurich dialect like a Swiss, without a trace of an accent: Andreas Mylaeus.

We are proud to have such an educated and perceptive author with us and hope that he will continue to write regularly for us in the future.

In the interview on March 13, President Putin gives an overview of countless aspects of Russia: his politics, war, peace negotiations, weapons, BRICS, society, tax increases, road projects, his student days, his start as president and much more: a treat.

Peter Hanseler

Andeas Mylaeus picks out a key point from the interview

This interview is so rich in content that it is difficult to give an introduction. I will therefore pick out the central point for me personally:

Dmitry Kiselev says that Russia is currently at a crossroads.

Vladimir Putin contradicts him: “Russia is not at a crossroads. It is on the strategic path of its development and will not deviate from this path.”

Kiselev then speaks of “a new quality of Russian society” that has “emerged”.

Putin contradicts again: “It [the new quality] was already there, it just manifested itself. And it is very good that we have given this profound Russian society the opportunity to express itself. I have the feeling that people have been waiting for a long time for an average person to be asked by the country and the state and that the fate of the country depends on him. It is this feeling of inner connection with the motherland, with the fatherland, of one’s own importance in solving key tasks, in this case in the field of security, that has brought the strength of the Russian and other peoples of Russia to the surface.”

Kiselev then goes on to say that Vladimir Putin plays a key role in this respect not only in Russia, but also in the world, “because billions of people associate with you the hope for international justice, for the defense of human dignity, for the protection of traditional values”. Putin does not attribute this “phenomenon” that many people in the world are looking at us [Russia], “at what is happening in our country and in our struggle for our interests” to the fact that Russia is formally a member of the BRICS or because Russia has some kind of traditional relationship with Africa. That is also important, but the point, in his opinion, is quite different: “The point is that this so-called ‘golden billion’ has practically parasitized the other peoples for centuries, for 500 years. They have torn apart the unfortunate peoples of Africa, they have exploited Latin America, they have exploited the countries of Asia, and of course nobody has forgotten that. I have the feeling that it is not even the leadership of these countries, although that is very important, but the ordinary citizens of these countries feel in their hearts what is happening. They connect our struggle for our independence and true sovereignty with their aspirations for their own sovereignty and independent development.”

Kiselev then asks Putin why “Western propaganda, with all its power, colossal means and tools, has not succeeded in banishing, isolating and painting a false image of Russia, despite its efforts to do so in the minds of billions of people? How could this happen?” Putin replies: “Because what I have just said is more important for people. People all over the world feel it in their hearts. They don’t even need pragmatic explanations for what is happening.”

This reveals a view of humanity that is fundamentally different from that which is rampant in Western liberalist unculture: Man is not to be trusted, if you let him have his way, he will run after any populist who comes along – man must be forced to his own happiness (whereby the alleged “own” happiness is really about the happiness of the parasites).

From an anthropological point of view, the explanation for the phenomenon Putin is referring to here can be summarized as follows: People sense in their hearts that hope sprouts when they are treated according to their social nature – in other words, when conditions are created that allow this social nature to unfold. The term for a “new quality of Russian society” [and in my view this applies to every society], which, according to Putin, is not newly formed but can manifest itself – in appropriately favorable conditions – is a manifestation of what Alfred Adler’s theory describes as a “sense of community sub specie aeternitatis”.

Humans are social by nature (otherwise this physically weak species would not have survived evolution). His problem is “only” that his social “nature” can be deformed by his upbringing in the culture in which he grows up. Unfortunately, under unfavorable conditions, a “human” can become an “inhuman”.

The BRICS countries and the so-called global South – and others – (with all their different political elites, some of which are not only philanthropic) are working to create conditions in which this social nature of man finds more favorable conditions than before. To the extent that people have hope that this project could succeed, they can rely on the fact that they “feel in their hearts” that this corresponds to their own nature. The parasites cannot stand up to this primal power in the long term. They know this and try all the more impotently and brutally to “save what cannot be saved”.

Link to the full interview

President Putin in an interview with Dmitri Kiselev on March 13

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