Israel – Update – Brochure of our articles (in German)

The bloodbath in Israel continues. Nobody seems to care about the decisions of the UN Security Council. Our contributions have been published as a brochure.

René Zittlau


Over a period of several months, we have traced the causes of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Our research was prompted by the events of October 7, 2023, when Hamas fighters invaded Israel and took over 200 hostages.

Based on meticulously researched facts, we were able to prove that the process of creating the state of Israel on the territory of the former Palestine and ultimately its foundation itself was a purely Zionist project. Israeli politics proves anew every day how right we were with our assessment.

And yet: at the time of publication, even we could not have imagined the barbaric methods the Israeli military would be willing to resort to in implementing the policy of the Israeli leadership. Without the unreserved political and practically unlimited military support of the USA, Israel would not be in a position to carry out this campaign of extermination against the Palestinian people.

Israel and the USA were two diabolical brothers in spirit and deed. The methods of the Israeli military are strongly reminiscent of the extermination of the North American Indians by the USA in the 19th century. Whereas back then, alongside the Indians, it was the buffalo that were rounded up and slaughtered in order to destroy the basis of the Indians’ way of life, today Israel is driving the Palestinian inhabitants from the north of the Gaza Strip to the city of Rafah in the far south under constant bombardment. And there these Palestinians, cut off from all civilian aid – food, water, electricity, medical care, not to mention housing – are now being shot up by the Israeli military with American planes and American bombs – like cattle, like the Indians once did with their buffalo.

A video from Rafah yesterday. People in a crowded city, without electricity, without any protection, are simply wiped out with American high-tech bombs. On March 26, 2024, at night, to prevent any orientation and thus rule out any possibility of escape.

Even the UN is powerless

All this despite the fact that on March 25, 2024, the UN Security Council decided on an immediate ceasefire – with the USA abstaining.

According to the Charter of the United Nations, resolutions of the UN Security Council are binding for every state without ifs and buts and are therefore applicable law. Despite this legal situation, the US representative to the United Nations, Linda Thomas Greenfield, had the audacity to declare in her speech to the UN Security Council on March 25, 2024, that UN Security Council decisions are not binding.

The UN Charter states:

Artikcle 25

“The Members of the United Nations agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council in accordance with the present Charter.”

John Kirby, spokesman for the National Security Council, is obviously not familiar with the UN Charter either. He said:

“It’s a non-binding resolution, so there is no impact at all on Israel and its ability to go after Hamas,” Kirby says, reiterating that it does not change the US’s policy on the conflict.

Stack exchange

One can only guess where international relations will drift after this performance. Israel interpreted this diplomatic scandal at the highest level in its own barbaric way.

Clarification is therefore urgently needed. All the more so as an internet search under the keywords “UN Security Council Israel” on March 27, 2024 did not produce any hits on the first few pages that referred to the UN Security Council resolution of March 25, 2024, nor any reference to the speech by the US diplomat. However, there were search results for the failed US request for a ceasefire on March 22, 2024.

The whole development leaves one speechless.

Publication of our articles as a brochure

It is with great pleasure that we would like to inform our readers that our Israel series has now also been published as a brochure. We would like to thank pad-Verlag Bergkamen and especially the editor Peter Rath-Sanghakorn. The brochure can be ordered directly from the publisher. All details can be found on the enclosed flyer.

Israel – Update – Brochure of our articles (in German)

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