9 May speech by President Putin

In the run-up to the May 9 parade in Moscow, experts, politicians and Western media predicted what Putin would say on the occasion of the May 9 parade. The West is increasingly in danger of becoming a victim of its own propaganda. History teaches that this can have disastrous consequences 

Peter Hanseler

In the run-up to President Putin’s May 9 speech, it was predicted that Putin would declare victory, declare war on Ukraine and declare general mobilisation, as the Russian army was already at the end of its tether due to the huge number of casualties in its own ranks. An incendiary speech à la Adolf Hitler was expected. 

President Putin’s speech turned out differently than the West had probably wished. 

President Putin thanked the American and British soldiers as well as the Resistance fighters in France and the partisans of China for their great contribution in the fight against Nazi Germany. Of course, this part of President Putin’s speech was omitted from today’s Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) editorials – not a word about this sign of Russia’s respect for the Western allies during the Second World War, even in difficult times. 

The NZZ goes on to write that President Putin spoke doggedly. He did not speak doggedly at all, but extremely calmly, confidently and briefly, like a man who is about to do his job – possibly the Moscow correspondent of the NZZ heard a different speech. 

Furthermore, President Putin looked healthy for a man who, according to Western propaganda, is said to be marked by cancer or Parkinson’s disease. The almost 70-year-old hard worker made a very healthy impression. A comparison with President Biden is unnecessary. 

Western propaganda has reached a point where it could become dangerous for the West itself. 

If one studies the military situation in Ukraine, for example, one comes to the conclusion that what is proclaimed in the West is merely propaganda and has little to do with reality. With thorough research, this analysis is quite possible even without reference to Russian television.

In my opinion, the Ukraine conflict is a typical proxy war between Russia and the USA on the soil of Ukraine, with the USA – as always – supplying weapons from a safe distance and inciting Western Europe to go to war. 

The tone – from Chancellor Scholz, for example – is becoming increasingly martial, and more and more weapons – mostly old ones – are being delivered mindlessly, even if they don’t fit, no ammunition can be delivered for them or time-consuming training is needed due to the complexity of the systems – time that the Ukrainians may not have. 

From day one, the Russian army has been described as an unprofessional, unmotivated and unsuccessful as well as murdering bunch – and it is propagated that Ukraine will win against the Russians. This is taking on grotesque features in Germany. Here I can refer to yesterday’s contribution by Ralf Schuler, in which he enjoyably and excellently makes fun of the Green Party’s Toni Hofreiter, who has mutated into a field marshal. 

If Western Europe continues to hype itself up, there is a danger that it will get to the point of sending troops to Ukraine. That would be catastrophic. One is reminded of 1941, when the Nazis assumed that Russia would be defeated in six weeks, that one only had to kick open Russia’s door and everything would collapse. 

Finally, a Russian joke on the Russophobia rampant in the West: a man is sitting on a bench in London Zoo at lunchtime, drinking a pint. Suddenly he sees a little girl fall into the crocodile enclosure. Bravely, he jumps into the enclosure and saves the girl from certain death. A zoo visitor praises the man: “Your courageous action speaks for you as an English gentleman.” To which the rescuer replies, “Oh, I’m Russian.” The next day the following headline can be read in the English newspapers: “Drunken Russian steals crocodile’s lunch”. 

9 May speech by President Putin

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