Tucker Carlson announces interview with President Putin

Tucker Carlson’s conversation with President Putin will go down in the history books. Tucker explains why this interview is so important.

We're in Moscow to Interview Vladimir Putin


Two days ago we reported that Tucker Carlson is in Moscow and we expect him to conduct an interview with President Putin “Tucker Carlson in Moscow – Interview with Putin?

“The Western media will be fuming.”

In our article, we also showed how neo-cons in the US were fuming and even calling for Tucker to be banned from re-entering the US.

In his short feature, Tucker Carlson explains why he will be interviewing President Putin.

The Western media will be fuming. Their entire mendacious narrative will collapse.

We are curious to see whether and to what extent the leading media in the West will report. So far, the NZZ has remained silent – we are not surprised.

We have added German subtitles to Tucker’s announcement for our readers.


Tucker Carlson announces interview with President Putin

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