Tucker Carlson in Moskau – Interview with Putin?

Top American journalist Tucker Carlson is in Moscow. He will probably be interviewing President Putin – nerves are already on edge among the neo-cons.

Peter Hanseler

Ein journalistischer Leckerbissen wartet auf uns.


The most influential journalist in the USA is in Moscow. It is Tucker’s second attempt to meet the most interesting interviewee in the world: Vladimir Putin.

On his last attempt to do so, he was intercepted and threatened by the NSA.

Tucker Carlson spotted in Moscow

On February 3, Marc Bennetts published the following post on X.

The X-feature shows Tucker Carlson at the airport in Turkey (stop-over) and as a guest at the Bolshoi Theater.

Tucker Carlson is thus actually in Moscow.

Second attempt – the first time threatened by the NSA

The American icon of free speech in the USA already wanted to travel to Russia once to interview President Putin. That was last September.

On September 24, 2023, Tucker Carlson said in an interview:

“I tried to interview Vladimir Putin, but the U.S. government prevented me from doing so.”

tucker Carlson

In an interview, Tucker Carlson said the following about this Orwellian incident:

“The NSA broke into my signal account, which I didn’t know they could do,” he previously said.

‘”I got a call from somebody in Washington. This person said: ‘Are you gonna come to Washington anytime soon?’ Yeah. Actually, I’m gonna be up in a week, meet me Sunday morning.” 

“So I go, and this person’s like: ‘Are you planning a trip to go see Putin?’ And I was like, ‘how would you know that?’ I haven’t told anybody. I mean anybody. Not my brother. Not my wife, nobody.”

 “How would you know that? ‘Because NSA pulled your text with this other person you were texting.'”

tucker carlson

Here one can ask why the American government resorts to such drastic means to prevent an interview between the US giant and President Putin; more on this below.

Interview will probably take place

The American super neo-con Bill Kristol got carried away with a more than questionable X message.

By the way, Bill Kristol is the director of an organization called “defendingdemocracy”. I have always believed that an organization that defends democracy also protects freedom of speech.

“[…] otherwise: God have mercy on you!”

I was probably naive: we are seeing more and more that all Western democracies protect freedom of expression as long as you write the “right” thing – otherwise: God have mercy on you.

Tucker Carlson is the most influential journalist in the world

Tucker Carlson is by far the most influential journalist in the West, and not just in the USA.

“His interview with President Trump in August 2023 was viewed 150 million times”

His interviews are legendary. In contrast to the mass media, he lets everyone have their say.

His interview with President Trump in August 2023 was viewed 150 million times – Forbes reported.

We can assume that an interview with President Putin will break all records.

Why is there panic?

This blog regularly reports on the propagandistic reporting of the leading Western media. However, propaganda is only believed as long as these media can control the facts.

Blogs like ours fight for the facts to come out – uncontrolled. Our blog is certainly not liked by the powerful. However, we don’t interfere much with the propaganda operation of the West because we are a microcosm.

A statement made by the editor-in-chief of the Wall Street Journal – Emma Tucker – at the WEF in January was eye-opening in that the big media are starting to panic:

“We owned the news – we were the gatekeepers and we very much owned the facts as well. It it was said in the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times, than that was a fact. Nowadays, people can go to all sorts of sources of news and they are much more questioning what we are saying.”

Emma tucker – chefredakteurin des wall street journals

The fact that these media can no longer control the facts is a major problem for them. Ironically, the title of this WEF event was “Defending Truth”

“Tucker Carlson will hear President Putin out.”

Of course, propaganda also involves reducing a speech by President Putin, which lasts half an hour, or a press conference by him, which lasts over four hours, to two sentences taken out of context in order to present a completely different picture. Tucker Carlson will hear President Putin out.

This is going to be exciting!

I assume that the interview will take place and that President Putin will be heard unabridged for the first time by probably over 150 million people in the USA alone.

“I’m already looking forward to the contortions of my beloved NZZ”

How will the leading media in the West report? – I’m already looking forward to the contortions of my beloved NZZ (Neue Zürcher Zeitung), if they then report on it…

We will stay tuned.

Tucker Carlson in Moskau – Interview with Putin?

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