Happy New Year!

We have been very busy this year and will probably be in 2024 too!

Peter Hanseler

December 22, 2023 – Moscow – A great team (from left to right): Denis Dobrin – Operations; Peter Hanseler – Author; Maria Avilova – Translation; René Zittlau – Author

A great team

Our blog has grown and doubled its team of authors with René Zittlau.

Zittlau and Hanseler don’t give each other any gifts – except at Christmas. We challenge and improve each other, question many things and push each other to become better.

Maria Avilova has a challenging job: when an article is finished, she receives a text message and has to take care of the translation immediately. She has a degree in linguistics (German and English) and is a perfectionist – which is good for our blog and exhausting for her. She translates as beautifully as she is.

Denis Dobrin is responsible for everything that has nothing to do with writing. Chief Operating Officer is probably the best term. Zittlau and Hanseler focus on reading (80%) and writing (20%), Denis does the rest. And it always works.

How are we different from the press?

Facts, facts, facts: Before making an assessment, it is the duty of every publicist to find and categorize the facts. Many journalists seem to have forgotten how to do this. Many of them engage in nasty propaganda under the guise of journalism. Not only trash papers, but also leading media such as the Swiss NZZ have also turned into trash papers.

If the media had researched the history of Russia and Ukraine properly, we would not be at war. If the people of this world had known the history of Palestine and Israel, there would be no bloodbath in Gaza. If the population had been honestly informed, there would be no hatred against the Russians or the Palestinians and it would have been impossible for the politicians to create a bloodbath. The journalists have thus become accomplices and have blood on their hands.


Every publication always claims to be independent. This is marketing, which is dishonest. Media have to earn money by selling advertisements and not scaring away subscribers. If you write as you think – and this is often not mainstream – editors-in-chief receive letters from advertisers who don’t like it and thus influence the editorial team. Blogs live from Google. Google simply blocks you if you don’t conform to the taste of the powerful in the USA: Elon Musk can tell you a thing or two about it.

Apart from a few donations from readers, we don’t receive any money – from anyone. So our independence has a true core.

Our costs are constantly rising and the day will come when we need money. We are constantly thinking about how we can achieve this without being exposed to any influence.

Our readers have standards

How can we substantiate this? – Quite simply, we only had to delete four of the many comments. I am sure that we are leading the way, thanks to you, ladies and gentlemen readers – thank you very much!

How you can support us

Read us. Recommend us and comment. Many readers send us e-mails with comments. These messages are very interesting. You would help the blog even more if you shared your thoughts with our readers in the comments.

Where is the journey taking us?

We will make technical improvements and set up search functions using categories and tags. We also want to add a superb automatic translation function to the comment section.

Happy New Year!

We wish you, our loyal readers, all the best for the coming year. We’ll be taking it easy and relaxing until mid-January so that we can get back to doing what we love with renewed vigor: Reading, thinking and writing.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Hanseler

Happy New Year!

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