Anglo-Saxon geopolitical strategy – unchanged for 120 years

The writings of geopoliticians Mackinder (1904) and Brzesinski (1997) show that the bloody geopolitical strategy of the British and the USA has not changed in any way. – A new author introduces himself.

Karl Eckstein

Short introduction by Peter Hanseler

We are delighted to introduce a new, very experienced and competent author to our readers. Prof. Dr. iur. Karl Eckstein and I have known each other for decades. The Swiss lawyer, who advises Western companies on their settlement in Russia and Uzbekistan, has known Russia since the 1980s. As a former Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation in Switzerland and Professor of Constitutional Law at the Moscow State University of International Relations, he not only has a vast knowledge of Russia, but far beyond its borders.

Karl Eckstein

At our numerous meetings over the past decades, we have exchanged opinions very actively – not always representing the same opinions. Many of his predictions came true, even unpleasant ones, as today’s situation shows. I asked him several times if he would write for us. Now he has done it: a highly interesting, explosive and compact article, which is eye-opening and makes the events of the past, present and future appear as no surprises.

Sir Halford Mackinder – 1904

The British geographer and geopolitician Sir Halford Mackinder (1871-1947), a teacher at Oxford University and the first rector of the London School of Economics, presented his “Heartland Theory” in various writings. First in 1904 in his article “The Geographical Pivot of History.” In 1919 in his work “Democratic Ideals and Reality” Mackinder concretized his statements even more. We found a link at ETH Zurich – the book is more than worth reading.

Halfort John Mackinder – Photo: Wikipedia

Mackinder hielt folgendes fest: Grossbritannien sei die grösste und stärkste Seemacht der Welt. Da der internationale Handel vorwiegend über den Seeweg stattfinde, könne Grossbritannien praktisch jedes Land der Welt in die Knie zwingen, indem man es mit einer Seeblockade isoliere.

“He who rules Eastern Europe rules the world.”

However, these golden times were slowly but surely coming to an end. The automobile had been invented and roads were being built where transports could be organized by land. Likewise, railroads would be built from Vladivostok to Lisbon. In the future, countries would only laugh at the blockade of our seas. Thus, since trade could take place at will without our control, Britain would be exposed to a great danger.

His thoughts can be summarized as follows:

Eastern Europe, understood as the European part of Tsarist Russia, thus including today’s Ukraine.

Heart Land, including European Russia and Siberia up to the Sinkiang.

The world island, comprising Europe, Asia and Africa.

The offshore islands off continental Europe and Southeast Asia (Japan) and the offshore islands with North and South America as well as Australia and New Zealand).

Mackinder’s most famous statement summarizes his theories in four sentences. He published this statement in his 1919 book Democratic Ideals and Reality.

«Wer über Osteuropa herrscht, beherrscht das Herzland.

Whoever rules over the heartland rules over the world island.

Wer über die Weltinsel herrscht, beherrscht die Welt.»


Zbigniev Brzesinski

The most famous and influential geopolitical successor of Mackinder was Zbigniev Brzesinski (1928 – 2017).

Zbigniew Brzeziński – Photo: Wikipedia 

Diente neun US-Präsidenten 

Brzeziński was an advisor to all nine U.S. presidents from 1963 until his death in 2017.

He began his career in 1960 as a campaign advisor to John F Kennedy. Born in Warsaw in 1928, Brzesinski was the son of a Polish diplomat who belonged to the Polish nobility and came from the formerly Polish town of Brzezany in what is now Ukraine.

A book that exposes the soul of U.S. foreign policy

In 1997, he published a book in which he outlined the goals of U.S. geostrategy with astonishing candor and clarity:

The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives.” In it, he says essentially the same thing as Halford Mackinder once did.

Like Mackinder, Brzesinski believes that a Eurasian community – essentially linking Western Europe with Russia – could be dangerous to U.S. dominance.

“Brzesinski envisioned successive incorporation of Ukraine into the U.S. concept as early as 1997 […].”

There should be no new Eurasian empire that could prevent America from realizing its geostrategic from achieving its geostrategic goal of dominating this region itself.

Ukraine is of particular importance in this respect:

„Ohne die Ukraine ist Russland kein eurasisches Reich mehr. Es kann trotzdem nach einem imperialen Status streben, würde aber dann ein vorwiegend asiatisches Reich werden, das aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach in lähmende Konflikte mit den aufbegehrenden Staaten Zentralasiens hineingezogen würde, die den Verlust ihrer erst kürzlich erlangten Eigenstaatlichkeit nicht hinnehmen und von den anderen islamischen Staaten im Süden Unterstützung erhalten würden.“

Zbigniew Brzeziński

As early as 1997, Brzesinski envisaged a gradual integration of Ukraine into the U.S. concept for the decade between 2005 and 2015. For him, the success of this integration is a key point for the continued supremacy of the USA.

Should this not succeed, Russia would become a controlling Eurasian great power – and, as mentioned, would thus make it impossible for the USA to maintain its position as hegemon.

This also makes clear why the Ukraine conflict is so important for the Anglo-Saxons and their vassals that they invest hundreds of billions in it. For the Anglo-Saxons under the leadership of the USA, a Russian success in this conflict is life-threatening: according to Brzesinski, their global supremacy would be threatened.

“Preventing Russia and Germany from Coming Together.”

George Friedman

The Anglo-Saxon geostrategy, started by the British Mackinder in 1904 and further developed in the same sense by the US-American Brzesinski, did not die with Brzesinski. It is continued in the same sense by the current US geostrategist George Friedmann.

Continues the work of Brzesinski: George Friedmann – Photo: Wikipedia

A key statement by Friedman goes as follows:

“The primary interest of the United States through the last century-that is, the First War, the Second War, and the Cold War-has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united, those two would be the only power that could threaten us-and so we have to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

George Friedmann


Thus, it is a fact that Anglo-Saxon, i.e. British and then American geopolitics, are guided by the same idea to maintain world domination. Preventing Russia and Germany from coming together.

Following this strategy, it is therefore logical to weaken Germany if Russia cannot be brought to its knees. This has already been done by imposing sanctions that weaken Germany in particular and destroying gas pipelines to prevent Russia from supplying energy.

Also, the Ukraine war is merely a building block of American geopolitics to prevent what Mackinder wrote in his famous verse.

“He who rules Eastern Europe rules the world”.

Anglo-Saxon geopolitical strategy – unchanged for 120 years

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