Pitoyable coverage of the Ukraine conflict

Russia isolated, economy down, according to Western media. Wishful thinking: Putin is firmly in the saddle, his offensive is making headway.

Peter Hanseler

This article appeared on InsideParadeplatz on March 9, 2023.

Lukas Hässig, the editor of InsideParadeplatz, gave me the opportunity to publish the following article on his blog. I thank him very much for that.

You can think what you want about the Ukraine conflict, but the Western media have led us all by the nose.

The narrative is cracking because it does not match the facts.

One year of war in Ukraine. The Western media and politicians were in agreement as seldom before:

The Russians had invaded Ukraine for no reason, and Putin was out to expand the Russian empire.

Now, however, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg declared at a press conference on February 13 that the war had already begun in 2014 and that NATO had been arming Ukraine ever since.

This reversal in NATO’s narrative makes it impossible to say that the war was started by the Russians on February 24, 2022.

As early as February 2022, the West unleashed a storm of sanctions against Russia that is unprecedented in history. It was certain that Russia would go down to its knees within months.

None of this happened; the sanctions proved to be a boomerang – especially for the EU countries.

Inflation, which was already rampant before the war, intensified and – especially the German economy – is suffering due to the lack of cheap energy from Russia.

Oil is now imported from India, which buys it from Russia and sells it to Germany. And at a significantly higher price.

The Indians are rubbing their hands together at the expense of the Germans.

The Russian economy, which was supposed to suffer a gigantic GDP loss, shrank by only 2.1% in 2022 and will grow in 2023.

This is not Russian propaganda, these are IMF figures.

For over a year, Western “experts” – better ideologues – have been predicting that Russia was finished militarily, or would be within a few months, and running out of ammunition.

First, the end of the Russian army was set for June 2022, and then it was pushed back further and further.

The opposite is true: Russia shoots eight to ten times more artillery shells, up to 60,000 per day, and can easily replace them.

The Russians wage a slow artillery war and lose eight to ten times fewer troops than the Ukrainians.

The West uses loss figures provided by Ukraine without questioning them.

Ammunition depots throughout the West are running low, and the Russians are close to controlling the entire Donbass.

Putin is at the end and will soon be overthrown, the Western media nevertheless report prayerfully.

However, the sanctions and Russophobia from the West have led to the opposite: the Russian population is about 80% behind Putin.

I know this because I live in Russia and talk to many people. Even Putin skeptics change their opinion.

Russia is totally isolated, they claim.

The facts speak a different language. Of the G20 countries, only 9 sanction Russia.

That’s where you rape the language when you talk about isolation. Countries representing over 80% of the world population do not sanction Russia.

The narratives with which the Western population is fed by its media are proving to be more and more like flocks of ducks the longer they go on.

Anyone who does not believe it should browse through the archives of our newspapers of the past year – fiction and truth collide in a grotesque way.

Does the West think it is possible to spin a victory over Russia?

I don’t know, but it seems so. In Switzerland, only Weltwoche makes an effort to ask critical questions, and earns sneers for it.

Whoever does not toe the party line becomes a critic of the regime and is attacked; this happened in our “liberal” society to this extent for the first time with Covid.

Now, two years after this medical media storm, details are coming out into the open that don’t make the same-sourced media look very favorable.

My prediction is that this will be similar with the Ukraine conflict.

The first cracks in the narrative of the Western media are appearing. The article by Seymour Hersh, which unmasked the U.S. and Norway as perpetrators of the Nordstream pipeline destruction, can no longer be kept under wraps.

The Washington Post ended the establishment media embargo against Hersh’s damning report on February 23.

When will the Swiss realize that our country, through its hate speech against Russia and sanctions adopted by the EU, has thrown neutrality and legal security, the foundation of Switzerland, out the window?

For what, and not least: For whom?

The trust of foreign countries in the Swiss financial market place, where their money is no longer safe, will suffer.

Our ” cosmopolitan ” Federal Councillor Cassis pleases himself as a geopolitician in the UN Security Council, where he reprimanded China at its first meeting.

Then he offered himself as a mediator between Ukraine and Russia. Russia succinctly stated that Switzerland had abandoned its neutrality and was therefore no longer eligible as a mediator.

We are paying a high price for the profiling neurotics in our executive branch. 

A solution to this conflict will only become possible when people recognize the facts, even those they don’t like, discuss them and are willing to achieve peace.

We are far from that. The old cold warriors, who have been brought out of the closet, are too happy in their recycled role.

They don’t want to go back into hiding – war is their raison d’être.

In my opinion, however, the Ukraine conflict is only one piece of the mosaic in a world that is changing at lightning speed. Many countries in this world are fed up with the American hegemon, which has been pretending to be a peacemaker since 1945, but has been acting as an arsonist.

The countries in the BRICS and SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) are striving for a multipolar world.

This is news that the West does not want to hear. So the Ukraine conflict comes just in time to keep people busy in other ways.

Pitoyable coverage of the Ukraine conflict

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